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2021 Illinois All Grade

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All Grade Logo

The Illinois All Grade is held in the fall of each year, usually in November. Each grade is held as a separate tournament - each player plays only others in their own grade. To be eligible players must be Illinois residents attending Illinois schools or being home schooled within the state.

Team trophies are also given for the top team scores in each grade group. A team is composed of the top 3 scores among all participating students. To compete as a team, all players must be from the same school or home schooled but teamed with the school that they would attend if in the public school system.

Tournament Announcement

Illinois State All Grade Chess Championship


Title: Illinois State All Grade


Swiss System in 10 to 13 sections (depending on entries): Players compete only against players in their own grade with Grades K-8 in 9 sections. Players are not permitted to play up into a higher section in the All Grade. High School (Grades 9-12) compete in a single section but individual trophies are presented by grade.

All players must be residents of the state of Illinois. Top three players count toward team score. No Club Teams. No byes last round. Byes for any single round must be requested before the end of the first round. Only one half-point bye is allowed per player. Additional missed rounds receive no points. All other rules/regulations shall be in accordance to ICA By-laws and the USCF Rulebook.

Playing Schedule:

Grades K-3; G/30+5, 5-SS, (9:00am, 10:15am, 12 Noon, 1:15pm, 2:30pm)
Grades 4-5; G/45+5, 5-SS, (9:00am, 10:45am, 12:30pm, 2:15pm, 4:00pm)
Grades 6-12; G/60+5, 4-SS, (9:00am, 11:15am, 1:30pm, 3:45pm)

Ongoing Side Events:

Walk-in simul presented by the Greater Peoria Chess Federation
Food and Chess Store vendors will be on-site. Pre-order your official 2023 All Grade T-shirt.


3 Team Trophies per each grade in K-1
5 Team Trophies per each grade in 2-5
3 Team Trophies per each grade in 6-8
3 High School Team Trophies

10 Individual Trophies for each grade K-1
Keepsake Ribbons for all other K-1 players
15 Individual Trophies for each grade 2-5
10 Individual Trophies for each grade 6-8
3 Individual Trophies for grades 9-12 in each High School Class.

Tournament Entry Fees:

$50 post-marked by 11/08/2023, $60 thereafter, $70 At the Door.
Players registering at the door, might not be paired in the first round.
No Online Entries will be accepted after Noon November 10th.
USCF membership or JTP is required (See FAQ).
Discounted full USCF memberships may be available from the Greater Peoria Chess Foundation at registration.


Click to Register Online Now, or mail registration information and Payments to (payable):
In addition to payment, we must receive by mail the Student's Full Name, USCF ID#, Expiration Date, Grade and School.

Greater Peoria Chess Foundation,
2007 W. Cashman Ct.
Peoria, IL 61604

More information:

Direct Questions to or call (309) 981-7210, please mention the All Grade Chess Tournament in your message so we may be prepared with your answer on our call back.
Sets and Boards will be provided. Organizer provided equipment must be used. Equipment will be on discounted sale upon tournament completion for school clubs and parents to purchase.

Directions to the Peoria Civic Center

If you are coming from:

Chicago (From the North) Take I-55 South to I-74 West. Take Exit 94 in East Peoria. Just before crossing the Illinois River, the fly-over ramp will take you up and over I-74 and connect you with the Bob Michel Bridge. Go across the bridge into Peoria and continue straight ahead through three stoplights. Turn right at the fourth stoplight onto Monroe Street. Turn left at the first stop light onto Fulton Street. Take a left into the Fulton parking lot. The Peoria Civic Center is located across the street from the parking lot at the intersection of Monroe and Fulton Streets.

Champaign-Urbana/Bloomington (From the East) Take I-74 West to Exit 94 in East Peoria. Just before crossing the Illinois River, the fly-over ramp will take you up and over I-74 and connect you with the Bob Michel Bridge. Go across the bridge into Peoria and continue straight ahead through three stop lights. Turn right at the fourth stoplight onto Monroe Street. Turn left at the first stoplight onto Fulton Street. Take a left into the Fulton parking lot. The Peoria Civic Center is located across the street from the parking lot at the intersection of Monroe and Fulton Streets.

Springfield (From the South) Take I-55 or I-57 North to I-74 West. Take Exit 94 in East Peoria. This fly-over ramp will take you up and over I-74 and connect you with the Bob Michel Bridge that crosses the Illinois River. Go across the bridge into Peoria and continue straight ahead through three stoplights. Turn right at the fourth stoplight onto Monroe Street. Turn left at the first stop light onto Fulton Street. Take a left into the Fulton parking lot. The Peoria Civic Center is located across the street from the parking lot at the intersection of Monroe and Fulton Streets.

Quad Cities/Galesburg (From the West) Take I-74 East to the Downtown Peoria exit (Exit 92B). Go straight through the first stoplight. Turn right as the road curves onto Glendale Ave. Take a left at the second stoplight onto Main Street. Take a right at the second stop light onto Monroe Street. Take a right at the first stoplight onto Fulton Street. Take a left into the Fulton parking lot. The Peoria Civic Center is located across the street from the parking lot at the intersection of Monroe and Fulton Streets.